Obama’s Iran Loopholes – With exemptions wide enough to fit an ICBM nuclear warhead, the sanctions are mostly smoke for 20 major Iran trading partners.
Dear PAC Members, Friends and Activists,
Here’s just one more among many reasons that this November’s elections are the most important in our lifetimes!!!
Many of us have heard our Congressional leaders, AIPAC activists and other experts in the mix speak of “crippling sanctions” on Iran’s petroleum industry. Periodically, we get an email or press release bragging about the passage – by a praiseworthy overwhelming majority in Congress – of another round of de facto international restrictions on the Government of Iran, its Central Bank, or the IRGC.
Leave it to the Obama Administration, then, to dilute these hard-earned legislative and policy victories with a simple stroke of a naïve, if not dangerous, pen.
Please read this brief exposé and judge for yourselves.
Obama’s Iran Loopholes
All 20 of Iran’s major trading partners have sanction exemptions.
In Istanbul Tuesday, U.S. and Iranian nuclear negotiators meet for the fourth time in four months, with the classic diplomatic assignment of talking about whether to hold future talks. They’ll likely agree to do so, but the real news happened under the radar last week: Though economic sanctions still haven’t slowed or stopped Iran’s nuclear drive, the Obama Administration has decided to make them even weaker. The Iran sanctions regime is looking like the U.S. tax code—filled with loopholes …
3 replies on “Obama’s Iran Loopholes”
It should be very plain to see if Obama is re-elected, our future generations will never see this Nation as our past Generations have enjoyed. This man is too friendly with Muslim countries, and will cause economic and physical destruction during the next four years that may be impossible to recover. Above all, we must not lose our Christian way of life. This Nation was founded and established on Christianity. The book of Daniel & Revelation of the New King James Version of the Holy Bible explains the things that are happening today. Suggest that someone with good biblical knowledge explain this to appropriate politicians.
Obama has taken Carter’s claim to fame. Carter is no longer the worst President America has ever had. In addition Obama is a crooked closet
Muslim socialist whose agenda is to DESTROY AMERICA.
It is impossible to know where Obama wants to take America. He always has a smile like he doesn’t want you to know what he is thinking We have a Constitution I wish he would run the country by following what is written in the Constitution. He makes decisions without waiting for Congress to take it up in both houses.