
Leftist Groups Attack President Trump’s Pick for U.S. Amb. to Israel


S.C.’s Alan Clemmons: Ambassador pick will help heal wounds inflicted by the Obama administration; Will AIPAC come to David Friedman’s corner?

Attorney David Friedman, President Donald J. Trump’s nominee for U.S. Ambassador to Israel, has drawn far-reaching and heavily-lobbied opposition from an assemblage of members of a reliably anti-Israel, anti-American consortium. They include Muslim groups, so-called progressive organizations such as Code Pink, and perhaps the leading protagonist of them all: the notorious Jewish pro-Palestinian operatives at JStreet. Indeed, stopping Mr. Friedman’s confirmation is now prominently featured on that group’s homepage.

Many staunch Israel supporters have expressed disappointment with The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC) for not taking an active role in this debate. While this is in keeping with the highly-respected organization’s practice of not lobbying for or against cabinet or other Presidential appointments, the pro-Israel advocates had hoped that the magnitude and import of Mr. Friedman’s nomination and its impact on the U.S.-Israel relationship – which is central to AIPAC’s mission – coupled with the fact that JStreet is out there in direct opposition to his appointment, would perhaps lead AIPAC to address this confirmation process differently.

Speculation among some insiders is that AIPAC may not be thrilled about Mr. Friedman’s outspoken rejection of the failed “Two-State Solution” concept, which is lobbied for and promoted among AIPAC circles, but largely and widely opposed by politically savvy conservatives. President Trump has at times, and particularly in today’s joint Press Conference with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu (see Video Clip here), seemingly veered away from this concept as the solution to Israeli-Palestinian relations. Indeed, Trump’s and Friedman’s positions are more in line with the recently upgraded GOP Platform on Israel, which eliminated references to the “Two-State Solution”, a phrase believed by most Republicans and staunch pro-Israel adherents to unnecessarily pressure Israel into dangerous concessions from its already diminutive geographic boundaries without any resulting peace or security.

In the wake of this flurry of anti-Friedman, anti-Israel activity, one of the Jewish nation-state’s best friends, and arguably its greatest supporter among ALL State legislators in the U.S., South Carolina State Representative Alan Clemmons (R-Myrtle Beach), has penned a powerful Op-Ed in support of Mr. Friedman’s confirmation.



Bernie’s New self-Hating “Jewish Outreach Director” has Extensive anti-Israel History

simone Zimmerman

UC Berkeley alum (no surprise there) Simone Zimmerman, Sanders’ newly hired Jewish outreach director, wrote an expletive-laden Facebook post last year that condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a mass-murderer.

Zimmerman is a young anti-Israel activist with a history of support for the BDS movement. She recently condemned Hillary Clinton’s speech to the AIPAC conference as “racist and orientalist.”

While an undergraduate at UC Berkeley, Zimmerman headed the campus chapter of J Street, an anti-Israel lobbying and activist group.

“Bibi Netanyahu is an arrogant, deceptive, cynical, manipulative a$$hole,” wrote the former J Street student activist, in the March 3rd 2015 post. “F#&k you, Bibi … you sanctioned the murder of over 2,000 people this summer.”

At a later date, Zimmerman edited the post, replacing “a$$hole” with “politician” and “F#&k you” with “shame on you.”



Huh??? National Jewish Democratic Council ‘Strongly Supports’ Iran Deal

Huh??? National Jewish Democratic Council ‘Strongly Supports’ Iran Deal

Jewish Democrats (12-Tribes)

The National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC), an organization that exists to boost Jewish support for Democrats, has announced its “strong support” for the nuclear deal with Iran…Not “cautious support,” or even “support”…but Strong support.

The statement is likely a signal to wavering Democrats, including Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY)

In a statement explaining its reasoning, the NJDC ignores the fact that the deal expires after a decade, and that it will give billions of dollars to Iran, some of which will fund terror. The NJDC also ignores the fact that the deal will lift an arms embargo and ballistic missile sanctions on Iran over time.

The NJDC seems to rely on an analysis by the White House that the deal meets the five conditions set out by the Washington Institute for Near East Affairs. Those White House talking points are false; the Iran deal fails each of the Institute’s criteria.

But the deal does not even meet the Obama administration’s own goals, and our regional allies are unanimous in opposing it–including the Israeli left.

The president himself recently said that Iran’s nuclear “breakout” time could be “zero” in the years after the deal begins to expire, ten years hence.

How, then, can the NJDC claim “that this deal will in fact achieve the core goal of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon”? It cannot.

And while some provisions of the deal are debatable, what is not debatable is that Iran continues to sponsor terror; that it continues to promise “death to America” and “death to Israel”; that it killed hundreds of Americans in Iraq; that it is at war with America’s allies; and that it continues to suppress its own people.

In its rhetoric and aims, Iran is little different from the Nazi regime. One could understand if the NJDC gave the Iran deal reluctant support, out of a mistaken belief that there is no alternative.

But to “strongly support” a deal with the Iranian regime–especially a flawed agreement such as this one–is to collaborate with the Nazis of today.



Netanyahu: “No Palestinian State on my Watch”

On the eve of Israel’s competitive 2015 elections, while warning that areas that might come under Palestinian rule would subsequently become a Hamas stronghold and give Radical Islam a perch from which to attack Israel, PM Bibi Netanyahu issues perhaps his boldest proclamation to date.

Bibi on No Palestinian State

During a campaign stop in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Homa, Netanyahu promised to increase construction there, saying it was “a way of stopping Bethlehem from moving toward Jerusalem.”

The prime minister warned in an interview with the NRG news website Monday that a Zionist Union-led government would push for relinquishing territory, a move he said was tantamount to “burying its head in the sand.”

“I think that anyone who moves to establish a Palestinian state today, and evacuate areas, is giving radical Islam an area from which to attack the State of Israel,” Netanyahu said. “This is the true reality that has been created in past years. Those that ignore it are burying their heads in the sand. The left does this, buries its head in the sand, time and again.”



State Department-Funded Group Bankrolling Anti-Bibi Campaign

Top Obama Campaign Operatives are in Israel Working to Undermine PM Netanyahu’s re-Election.

United Nations Hosts World Leaders For Annual General Assembly

A U.S. State Department-funded group is financing an Israeli campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and has hired former Obama aides to help with its grassroots organizing efforts.

U.S.-based activist group OneVoice International has partnered with V15, an “independent grassroots movement” in Israel that is actively opposing Netanyahu’s party in the upcoming elections, Ha’aretz reported on Monday. Former national field director for President Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign Jeremy Bird is also reportedly involved in the effort.

OneVoice development and grants officer Christina Taler said the group would be working with V15 on voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts but would not engage in overtly partisan activities. She said OneVoice and V15 are still formalizing the partnership.

While V15 has not endorsed any particular candidates, it is working to oppose Netanyahu in the March elections.

“We’ve formed a partnership with [V15], but it’s important to know we’re absolutely nonpartisan,” Taler told the Washington Free Beacon. “Our biggest emphasis and focus right now is just getting people out to vote.”





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