

All Signs Point to a
Republican Landslide in Florida

Ron DeSantis (left) speaks during a debate with his Democratic opponent, Charlie Crist, in Fort Pierce, Fla., on Oct. 24. DeSantis is expected to win reelection handily. Crystal Vander Weit/AP Photo

President #donaldtrump – whose many ground-breaking policy accomplishments and political inroads history will judge very favorably – finally broke the ice with many working class, America-loving Democrats. He made exceptional inroads in the Latino Community, many of whose values are no longer aligned with the far left Democrat Party of today.
As soon-to-be #texas Congresswoman #monicadelacruz aptly noted, her abuelita does not understand what “LatinX” means. As far as she knows, it’s LatinO and LatinA. Period.
And the overwhelming majority of the Hispanic Community as well as much of the African American community is on the same page.
Nevertheless, Paul Pelosi’s wife and the rest of the far left Democrat leadership and party continues to be tone deaf, as they try to ram biologically and psychologically baseless ideologies into the minds of children and young adults, the only people other than a negligible minority of the adult population who might possibly accept these crazy ideas.
Fast forward to 2022, and our great Governor #rondesantis – who many now refer to as “America’s Governor” – is continuing to plow through these political identity barriers to the point that we’re about to achieve electoral results unprecedented in recent history, as highlighted in this POLITICO piece.
The Governor’s handling of the #covid19 #pandemicresponse, keeping the State’s #economy thriving and allowing children to lead a relatively normal life, was unrivaled and set the stage for the sweeping victories that the Republican party will enjoy next week.
The Governor also deserves mucho credit for persevering in the Congressional redistricting process, going up against his own Party’s leadership in the legislature, to give us what should be 20 out of 28 Congressional Seats (up from 16 out of 27 now).
G-d Bless President #trump and #rondesantis for righting the Florida ship. Either one will be a great President come #2024!


Having Fled the Castro Regime, Miami’s Maximo Alvarez Delivers an Emotional and Powerful Freedom-Loving Speech at GOP Convention

One cannot help but be moved by this uplifting, patriotic story of a family’s journey from the depths of life under communist and fascist dictators to the glorious heights of American freedom, economic opportunity, and prosperity!

God Bless Maximo Alvarez and his family, God Bless President Donald J. Trump, and God Bless the United States of America!


Maximo Alvarez, president of Sunshine Gasoline Distributors, Inc., speaks as he sits with President Donald Trump during a roundtable discussion on tax cuts for Florida small businesses, in Hialeah, Fla. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

As Expected, Florida Gov. Rick Scott Annouces U.S. Senate Run against Bill Nelson

Florida’s Highly Successful Gov. Rick Scott finally announced his long-awaited plan to challenge Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson. Now that the Republican governor is officially in, the Sunshine State is poised to host an expensive race with national implications.

This race is unlike any other that Sen. Nelson has faced. Scott, who is personally wealthy, could not only invest tens of millions of dollars of his own money into the campaign, but also utilize national fundraising contacts as former chairman of the Republican Governors Association.

In his previous two elections, Nelson was the beneficiary of some fortunate conditions and circumstances. In 2006, he came in as part of a Democrat wave election, and in 2012, President Barack Obama had his re-election machine running full throttle.

Nelson has also benefited from facing two weak opponents. In 2006, Katherine Harris was infamously polarizing for her role as Florida secretary of state in the 2000 presidential election, and 2012 opponent Connie Mack, IV never received the outside Republican support he was planning for.

On the pro-Israel front, Gov. Scott has done more to develop business, healthcare and technology ties with Israel than any other Governor in the country, and has also signed a series of bills to counter anti-Semitism, participation in BDS (the anti-Israel Boycott, Divest and Saction movement), and investment in terror-finance leader Iran.

Sen. Nelson, on the other hand, has duped some Jewish supporters into believing that he is an Israel supporter, yet when “push came to shove”, in spite of Florida’s 500,000+ Jewish population, he voted with President Obama for the disastrous JCPOA, aka the “Iran Deal”. He has also cozied up with representatives of Muslim Brotherhood’s U.S. political/lobbying arm CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations).

American Principles will be “all-in” on this one to make sure that “Space Cadet” Bill Nelson (he is a former astronaut, after all) is headed to the Moon, or at least to the dust bin of political history.



Attention “Old School” Democrats. Your Party Has Gone AWOL!

Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill (D).

In yet another indication of just how far left today’s Democratic Party and voter “base” have moved, consider Missouri’s so-called “moderate” senior Senator Claire McCaskill, a seasoned politician with an extensive resume of State- and Federal-level offices held.
McCaskill is now serving her second term in the U.S. Senate, courtesy of former Rep. Todd Akin (of “Legitimate Rape” fame) who not only potentially handed the Missouri senate seat to McCaskill and the Dems, but he may indeed have cost Mitt Romney an opportunity to relocate to 1600 Pennsylvania, as well as several other U.S. Senate victories around the country.
The Senator has effectively supported the Obama/Reid/Pelosi agenda in its entirety throughout her tenure. Highlights include a Yea vote on Obamacare in 2009, supporting the disasterous #IranDeal in 2015, and of course opposing the recent efforts to even “skinny repeal” Obamacare.
Though considered by some to be a “moderate”, McCaskill’s voting record on the left’s key legislative initiatives would certainly suggest otherwise. Even more astonishing, and further suggesting that she is NO moderate and perhaps even a fearless liberal ideologue, is the fact that she continues to support that agenda in spite of the fact that she is up for reelection in 2018 in a state that President Trump won by more than 18%!
In spite of the above facts and circumstances, an unkown challenger has emerged from the left. Former health care marketplace worker Angelica Earl is challenging Sen. McCaskill for the Democratic nomination in 2018, calling the incumbent “too conservative.” A political novice, the recently laid off verification specialist for insurance applicants is the first Democrat to challenge the two-term senator. She rejects McCaskill’s push for a bipartisan solution to health care supports “single-payer health care for all,” the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.
One must wonder if simply calling for a two-party solution in today’s world is what makes a liberal Democrat a moderate. Our money is on the newly-found bipartisanship being in response to a looming 2018 loss in a state so heavily supportive of President Trump.

Bernie’s New self-Hating “Jewish Outreach Director” has Extensive anti-Israel History

simone Zimmerman

UC Berkeley alum (no surprise there) Simone Zimmerman, Sanders’ newly hired Jewish outreach director, wrote an expletive-laden Facebook post last year that condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a mass-murderer.

Zimmerman is a young anti-Israel activist with a history of support for the BDS movement. She recently condemned Hillary Clinton’s speech to the AIPAC conference as “racist and orientalist.”

While an undergraduate at UC Berkeley, Zimmerman headed the campus chapter of J Street, an anti-Israel lobbying and activist group.

“Bibi Netanyahu is an arrogant, deceptive, cynical, manipulative a$$hole,” wrote the former J Street student activist, in the March 3rd 2015 post. “F#&k you, Bibi … you sanctioned the murder of over 2,000 people this summer.”

At a later date, Zimmerman edited the post, replacing “a$$hole” with “politician” and “F#&k you” with “shame on you.”




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