All Signs Point to a
Republican Landslide in Florida

President #donaldtrump – whose many ground-breaking policy accomplishments and political inroads history will judge very favorably – finally broke the ice with many working class, America-loving Democrats. He made exceptional inroads in the Latino Community, many of whose values are no longer aligned with the far left Democrat Party of today.
As soon-to-be #texas Congresswoman #monicadelacruz aptly noted, her abuelita does not understand what “LatinX” means. As far as she knows, it’s LatinO and LatinA. Period.
And the overwhelming majority of the Hispanic Community as well as much of the African American community is on the same page.
Nevertheless, Paul Pelosi’s wife and the rest of the far left Democrat leadership and party continues to be tone deaf, as they try to ram biologically and psychologically baseless ideologies into the minds of children and young adults, the only people other than a negligible minority of the adult population who might possibly accept these crazy ideas.
Fast forward to 2022, and our great Governor #rondesantis – who many now refer to as “America’s Governor” – is continuing to plow through these political identity barriers to the point that we’re about to achieve electoral results unprecedented in recent history, as highlighted in this POLITICO piece.
The Governor’s handling of the #covid19 #pandemicresponse, keeping the State’s #economy thriving and allowing children to lead a relatively normal life, was unrivaled and set the stage for the sweeping victories that the Republican party will enjoy next week.
The Governor also deserves mucho credit for persevering in the Congressional redistricting process, going up against his own Party’s leadership in the legislature, to give us what should be 20 out of 28 Congressional Seats (up from 16 out of 27 now).
G-d Bless President #trump and #rondesantis for righting the Florida ship. Either one will be a great President come #2024!